søndag 18. oktober 2009


Tisper eller hannhunder?!

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Male Yorkie vs Female Yorkie
Many people feel that a female yorkie will make better pets than male yorkies. This conclusion is usually based upon inaccurate information. We will take some of the common misconceptions of male and female yorkies behavior and discuss what we have actually experienced. In discussing these differences we will be speaking in terms of generalizations. These generalizations of female and male yorkies traits are like that of generalizations of female and male human traits. For every generalization there are always exceptions.
Female yorkies are sweeter and more affectionate that male yorkies.
Our experience is that male yorkies are usually more affectionate, exuberant, and attentive as compared to females. They seek your attention and are very attached to their people. They also tend to be more steadfast, reliable, and less moody. They are more outgoing, more accepting of other pets, and take quicker to children. When we have company we invariably have to put the females in another room until the company leaves. The female yorkie may be less likely to wage a dominance battle with you, but she can be cunning and resourceful in getting her own way. She is much more prone to mood swings. One day she may be sweet and affectionate the next day reserved and withdrawn or even grumpy. (Sounds just like human females.) Most females will usually come to you for attention, but as soon as she has had enough, she will move away. Males are always waiting for your attention and close by.
Female yorkies are more docile as compared to male yorkies.
In the dog pack framework, females usually rule the roost. Therefore they determine pecking order, and compete to maintain and/or alter that order. The females are, as a result, more independent, stubborn, and territorial than their male counterparts. Most fights will usually break out between two females.
Female yorkies are easier to train than male yorkies.
Because female yorkies are, more independent, stubborn, territorial and male yorkies are easily motivated by praise, and are very eager to please, training a male can be easier than training a female. However, a male yorkie can be easily distracted during training, as they just want to get to playtime!
Female yorkies don’t display alpha behaviors such as “humping” and/or “marking”.
Females are much more intent upon exercising their dominance by participating in alpha behaviors such as humping and in fighting. The only yorkie we own that humps is a female. Just as males will urinate on top of where another animal has, so as to mark, the female will follow this same pattern. Neutered males rarely exhibit secondary sexual behavior such as humping, or marking or lifting their leg. Males that are neutered at an early age usually don't ever raise their leg to urinate.
Some of the behavioral traits that we have discussed above are a result of having multiple yorkies. In a household that only has one pet may never experience these behaviors.
In our opinion, female yorkies don’t make better pets than male yorkies nor do male yorkies make better pets than female yorkies. One has to understand the differences and decide which sex better suits their lifestyle.
The other factor one should take into account is that male yorkies tend to bond to the woman in the household and female yorkies bond to the man in the household. If Glenda and I are sitting on the couch the males are with Glenda and the females are with me. If I go into the other room the females follow me and the males stay with Glenda. We have talked to other breeders to see if they have experienced this same phenomenon and many have replied with stories of women who have bought female yorkies for themselves only to have the female yorkie bond with their husband. Many of these women end up buying a male yorkie for themselves.

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